Safety Policy

It is the policy of this company to continuously improve safety and to do all that is reasonably practicable:


  • To ensure the safety, health and welfare at work of all its staff.
  • To protect each person, including those not employed by the company from foreseeable work hazards.
  • Assuring that the diving operations within the company are done safely
  • Implementing IMCA / ADCI standards for diving operations
  • To prevent injury and damage to property.

All staff have a responsibility for co-operate with management to achieve a healthy and safe work environment and to take reasonable care of themselves and others. They are encouraged to comply with their duties under present regulations and to inform management of identified hazards in the workplace.



In particular the company, as far as is reasonably practical, has a responsibility:


  • To provide, through planning and organization, a safe system of work.

  • To ensure, through regular maintenance, that all plants and equipment is safe.

  • To provide the training and supervision necessary to ensure that employees perform their work safely and effectively.

  • To provide all necessary safety equipment and to ensure their proper use.

  • To issue the Safety Statement to all employees.

  • To review the Safety Statement annually and keep it up to date.